AncestryDNA Review
AncestryDNA Review – Is Ancestry DNA Good?
The following is a review of the company AncestryDNA. This article will detail who the company is, reasons for choosing their products as well as provide a look into some of its most sought after services. There will be an FAQ section included as well. An overview of AncestryDNA’s website will be given. This is to ease the navigation for both return and new visitors to the site. This AncestryDNA review shall also give details into the shopping, ordering and payment processes on the website. Also, a customer service section shall be detailed out to provide options on contacting the company if the need should arise.
Who is AncestryDNA Review?
Ancestry has the world’s largest online family history database. It helps to find new ancestors and share discoveries with them as it further builds the family tree. AncestryDNA is one of the brand names under Ancestry. It does this through the use of advanced genomic science. The network of DNA information and historical records assists Ancestry’s members to find out new details, origins and completing connections of families that were not known initially. Through its most advanced technology, it assists individuals to find out their family history. The records and networks are over three decades old. Thus when one chooses this platform it is quite a conclusive one. This service helps to provide one with a deeper understanding of their heritage and most complete family history. The information is at all times safeguarded with integrity through every step of its use.
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What Are The Reasons For Choosing AncestryDNA Test?
AncestryDNA aims to help an individual learn about their family history. This is done through various historical records, family trees, and DNA testing. AncestryDNA has one of the world’s most extensive records that one will have access to as a member. The records can be used to build family trees going back many generations. They are 27 billion records plus over 100 million family trees, and with the network growing as time goes by, the information becomes more exhaustive.
What Are They Selling At
AncestryDNA provides a service in the study of genes and their functions. It develops tools that assist people to easily find out through the use of the latest science and technology valuable knowledge about their history.
This service offers access to the full worldwide Ancestry family history record collection. This is the largest online database of family history records with over three billion international records. With this information, one can comfortably follow their family’s journey across time to its origins. By building the family tree which is the first step, Ancestry helps to add information using its vast database and records. This aggregation of information leads to the discoveries of new clues never before known, new ancestors, insights and stories.
AncestryDNA comes at $99.00, with a 3-month World Explorer membership for only $1.00. This World Explorer membership fee is for new and returning subscribers only. The subscription will automatically renew at $79.95 every three months after the initial 3-month offer. Should one not want to renew the subscription, cancellation must be done two days before the renewal date. This is done by visiting the ‘My Account’ section or contacting Ancestry.
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This is a DNA test kit combined with the use of historical records to discover more about a person’s family history. The DNA test from AncestryDNA will provide information about one’s ethnic roots. It will also add movements through time and give the structure of the family over the years. But as mentioned, this is only the structure. AncestryDNA offers records such as birth and death certificates, land ownership details, marriage licenses, census data, military records and more. These help to tell stories about the people and they are not just seen as names on the family tree. Linkages are made from one generation to the next, who they were and what they did.
Through the AncestryDNA messaging system, one can contact a DNA match privately. Information can be shared that leads to the extension of a particular family tree. The system can also search for similar surnames within these family trees, thereby confirming the possible link. In this way, the DNA tests end up complimenting the records of the millions of family trees. Coupled with billions of records, this combination helps in confirming the family link.
This DNA plus the Family Tree Bundle is charged at $100.00, with a 3-month World Explorer membership for only $1.00. This World Explorer membership fee is for new and returning subscribers only. The subscription will automatically renew at $79.95 every three months after the initial 3-month offer. Should one not want to renew the subscription, cancellation must be done two days before the renewal date. This is done by visiting the ‘My Account’ section or contacting Ancestry.
Get to know more about your traits, compare them with others and find out what you share and why. AncestryDNA test kit + Traits give the user a more complete story of themselves and their history. Once their sample is sent back to Ancestry and the DNA kit is activated online, results can be accessed after six to eight weeks. One will have access to see the different regions that make up their ethnicity estimate. One also has access to geographic details and a detailed historical background. This will help to link them to places that their family settled or migrated through. Discover more than 25 traits could have been influenced by family members you have no clue about. The kit helps one to understand how their appearance and sensory traits link to others in similar AncestryDNA regions.
Information from DNA results can be combined with billions of records and over 100 million family trees to create a fuller picture of one’s genealogy and origins.
The AncestryDNA test kit plus Traits comes at $119.00, with a 3-month World Explorer membership for only $1.00. This World Explorer membership fee is for new and returning subscribers only. The subscription will automatically renew at $79.95 every three months after the initial 3-month offer. Should one not want to renew the subscription, cancellation must be done two days before the renewal date. This is done by visiting the ‘My Account’ section or contacting Ancestry.
What Technology is behind the AncestryDNA tests?
The AncestryDNA test uses microarray-based autosomal DNA testing. With a saliva sample, it analyses an individual’s complete genome at over 700,000 locations. Also, the online interface integrates state-of-the-art tools to assist in family history research.
How AncestryDNA Works?
Once you make an order online for the AncestryDNA kit, it will be sent to you with a sample tube and a pre-paid envelope to mail the sample back to Ancestry. Included is an activation code and instructions on how the kit works. At this point, one shall need to open an Ancestry online account if they do not have one. The reason for this is that all tests shall be linked to this account. To be able to manage your account and have it linked to your test results, enter the activation code into the account.
When it comes to collecting and submitting a DNA sample, one simply has to fill the sample tube with saliva as indicated. Close the tube securely until a blue fluid is released from the cap into the tube. This is meant as a preservative for the DNA. At this point, shake the tube and seal it in the envelope provided. Mail back the pre-paid envelope via US mail to Ancestry.
Upon receiving the sample, the Ancestry state-of-the-art labs get to test the sample. The autosomal DNA test process is such a complete one that it looks at both sides of the family. It gives a fuller picture of a person as it samples hundreds of thousands of positions and markers. Through this, the process helps in calculating an individual’s ethnicity estimates. Also, via the Ancestry database, comparisons can be made and in this way, more family linkages found as well as other information. Watch this video to know how to use AncestryDNA
>>> Click Here to Take Ancestry DNA Test Now!
What Make AncestryDNA® tests Differ from Other DNA tests?
The AncestryDNA test is more comprehensive. It uses an autosomal DNA test that surveys a person’s entire genome at over 700,000 locations covering the maternal and paternal sides of the family tree. The other DNA tests are limited when it comes to lineage. The AncestryDNA test is also gender-neutral. Also, to find out more about one’s family and given the advances in technology, the test can predict one’s genetic ethnicity. This is done by comparing the DNA to samples from all over the world.
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AncestryDNA FAQs:
How secure and private is AncestryDNA?
Ancestry uses industry-standard security practices to store DNA samples, test results, and other personal data. All this is stored without the individual’s name or common identifying information and is not shared with any third parties. The individual owns their DNA data, thus has the right to download or ask Ancestry to delete the information or destroy samples at any time.
Why would I take the AncestryDNA test?
AncestryDNA combines advanced DNA science, the largest DNA database as well as the world’s largest online family history resource. Put together, they help to estimate one’s genetic ethnicity and assists one to find new family linkages. This information can go back generations providing information on migration patterns as well as settlements all across the world. Through DNA matches, AncestryDNA can also help identify and find relatives.
What will my AncestryDNA results tell me?
AncestryDNA results comprise information about one’s geographic origins. This is data across more than 1,000 regions. It also identifies potential relatives through DNA matching to others who have taken the AncestryDNA test. The results are also a good starting point for more family history research.
How do I take the AncestryDNA test?
Order your AncestryDNA kit. It’ll come with full instructions and once you receive it, give a sample of saliva in the provided tube. Seal the tube, put it in the pre-paid envelope provided and mail it back as per the instructions. Upon receipt of the DNA, it shall be processed at the lab. Once the results are out, one shall receive an email notifying them that the results are ready. They can be accessed through an account opened on the Ancestry site and linked to the test sample.
How is this DNA test going to assist me with my research?
Information about one’s family’s past and ancestral roots may be locked in the DNA. The Ancestry subscription and DNA test can guide an investigation into family connections. Also, the wider the information the more data one gets to know about their extended family.
How does the AncestryDNA® test differ from other DNA tests?
The AncestryDNA test is more comprehensive. It uses an autosomal DNA test that surveys a person’s entire genome at over 700,000 locations covering the maternal and paternal sides of the family tree. The other DNA tests are limited when it comes to lineage. The AncestryDNA test is also gender-neutral. Also, to find out more about one’s family and given the advances in technology, the test can predict one’s genetic ethnicity. This is done by comparing the DNA to samples from all over the world.
When can I expect to receive my AncestryDNA test kit and results?
Upon order, the kit will be delivered within approximately 7-10 business days. The AncestryDNA test results usually take approximately six to eight weeks to process from the time of receipt at the lab. Also, one must have activated their DNA kit online to begin processing.
How do I see my AncestryDNA results?
Once the results are ready, one will receive an email of notification from AncestryDNA with a link to view your results. The results will also be available online in the individual’s password-protected Ancestry account.
Where is the AncestryDNA® test available for purchase?
The AncestryDNA test is available for purchase online for residents of over 30 countries worldwide. The countries include the US, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada and Australia.
Who offers AncestryDNA Test?
It is offered internationally by Ancestry International DNA, LLC. It is a member of the Ancestry® family of companies.
How do I interpret the ‘Map and Locations’ map when reviewing a DNA match?
If you and your DNA match have family trees linked to DNA results and Ancestry® subscribers, you will have access to a “Map and Locations” map. It may contain different colored pins. These indicate both the birth locations of the ancestors in your tree and your DNA match’s tree. Also indicated will be overlapping birth locations that appear in both family trees. If a pin has a number on it, it shows that there is more than one individual at that location.
How can I link my DNA results to my family tree at AncestryDNA?
The link will be done through one’s status page. Click on Settings and then scroll down to ‘Family Tree Linking‘. Then link your DNA results to a family tree.
How accurate is the AncestryDNA test?
Each DNA sample through the testing process is held to a quality standard of at least a 98% call rate. Any result that doesn’t meet that standard might call for a new DNA sample to be collected.
Where are the DNA samples tested?
The DNA samples are tested in a secure third-party testing lab in the United States.
A Few AncestryDNA Reviews from Real Customers:
Here are some AncestryDNA customer reviews from other sites:
K. McDermott – from says:
Mrs Betty Turner – A verified buyer says:
“I’ve done DNA testing with all of the major companies now. And I’ve been at this DNA stuff for almost 15 years now…”
Check this video for more real Ancestry DNA reviews from their customers:
>>> Click Here to Take Ancestry DNA Test Now!
Quick Reviews
Website Layout
The website layout is a straight forward one. The header section has prominent links to the other pages. They are Geneology, DNA, Free Trial and Sign In. As one scrolls further down, there is more information on what kind of service Ancestry offers. It explains AncestryDNA. At the footer section of the website, there are more quick-links to the rest of the website.
Shopping Processing
At the header section of the website, click on DNA. You will be redirected to the AncestryDNA shopping page. Depending on the product of choice one has the option of AncestryDNA, DNA + Family Tree Bundle or AncestryDNA® Traits. Under each product is the tab for ‘Buy Now’. On the next page, one will have the option of adding membership or proceeding straight to checkout.
Order & Payment
On the checkout page, one will indicate how many kits are being purchased. After which the individual will ‘Sign In’ if they have an account, if not, enter your name and email address, create a password, then click save and continue. After this, one will be prompted to enter their payment information and billing address. Then click Proceed to checkout. After this, check the box to confirm that they have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. Finally, click on ‘Submit order’.
Customer Service
On the footer section of the home page, there is a quick link to the support center. Here one can receive assistance depending on the information they require. Also, at the bottom right corner of the screen, there is a ‘Help’ icon and one can chat directly with Ancestry’s virtual assistant. The FAQs section can also assist one in answering queries that one might have.
AncestryDNA Review – Should I Buy AncestryDNA Testing Service?
Yes, you should use the AncestryDNA test kit. As one finds out more about their family history, then their place on this earth tends to be more cemented. In addition to a 20% off coupon code, the purpose of AncestryDNA is to help one learn more about their family through records, family trees and DNA linkages. The test is as easy as submitting a saliva sample. With a database of 27 billion records plus over 100 million family trees, and with a growing network, you are bound to learn about your family going back generations.
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How to Active Ancestry DNA Coupon Code?
To redeem a AncestryDNA coupon code to your order, please click on our AncestryDNA promo code to active the code and take advantage of the discount during checkout.
(AncestryDNA Review)
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Category: DNA Tests