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At-home STD Test vs. Lab Test, Which is Better?

At-home STD Test vs. Lab Test, Which is Better?

Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) test is very important to do particularly if you are sexually active. Even if you are loyal enough with your partner, it is not bad to make sure that your body is 100% clean from those diseases. Besides, in case you have been suffering from a certain disease, you can get […]

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Best Herpes 1 & 2 Tests and At-Home Test Kits

Best Herpes 1 & 2 Tests and At-Home Test Kits

Everyday the number of people around the world that find that they’ve herpes 1 or 2 is shocking. Over 55% of the white population, over 63% of the Japanese population and over 74% of the African American population have herpes. What most people don’t know is that it is not a death sentence. Of course […]

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